You can click a pin on the map above, or click on a town/city name below to view locations and details.
- Farm 23
- 102 Ocean Point Rd
- Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
- (207)315-6833
- www.farm23bbh.com
- Savannas Bar and Bistro
- 40 University Dr
- Amherst, MA 01002
- (413)835-0906
- www.savannasbarandbistro.com
- Bay State Cruise Company
- 200 Seaport Blvd
- Boston, MA 02210
- MacMillan Pier
- Provincetown, MA 02657
- (617)748-1428
- www.baystatecruisecompany.com
- River Cafe
- 31A Main St
- Charlemont, MA 01339
- (413)512-7717
- Hangar B
- 240 George Ryder Rd
- Chatham, MA 02633
- (508)593-3655
- www.hangarbchatham.com
- The Old Creamery
- 445 Bershire Trail
- Cummington, MA 01026
- (413)634-5560
- www.oldcreamery.coop
- The Underground Bakery
- 780 Main St
- Dennis, MA 02638
- (508)385-4700
- www.theundergroundbakery.com
- Buckies Bakery Cafe
- 681 Rte 28
- Dennisport, MA 02639
- (508)398-9700
- www.buckiesbiscotti.com
- Chocolate Cafe
- 5030 State Hwy
- Eastham, MA 02642
- (508)240-0070
- www.chocolatecafe.cc
- Big E’s Supermarket
- 11 Union St
- Easthampton, MA 01027
- (413)527-2125
- www.bigessupermarket.com
- Luthier’s Co-op
- 108 Cottage Street
- Easthampton, MA 01027
- (413)527-6627
- www.luthiers-coop.com
- River Valley Co-op
- 228 Northampton Street
- Easthampton, MA 01027
- (413)529-4990
- www.rivervalley.coop
- Cooper’s Corner
- 31 Main St
- Florence, MA 10162
- (413)584-1684
- www.statestreetfruit.com
- Green Fields Market/Franklin Community Co-op
- 144 Main Street
- Greenfield, MA 01301
- (413)773-9567
- www.franklincommunity.coop
- Sativa
- 517 Main St (Rte 28)
- Harwich Port, MA 02646
- (508)430-4410
- Bread Euphoria
- 206 Main St
- Haydenville, MA 01039
- (413)268-7757
- http://breadeuphoria.org/
- Dam Cafe
- 2014 Northampton St
- Holyoke, MA 01040
- (413)533-1866
- www.thedamcafe.net
- Bela Vegetarian Restaurant
- 68 Masonic St
- Northampton, MA 01060
- (413)586-8011
- www.belaveg.com
- Cornucopia Whole Foods
- 150 Main St
- Northampton, MA 01060
- (413)586-3800
- www.cornucopiafoods.net
- Fitzwilly’s Restaurant
- 23 Main St
- Northampton, MA 01060
- (413)584-8666
- www.fitzwillys.com
- River Valley Co-op
- 330 N. King St
- Northampton, MA 01060
- (413)584-2665
- www.rivervalley.coop
- State Street Fruit Store
- 51 State St
- Northampton, MA 01060
- (413)584-2301
- www.statestreetfruit.com
- Jo Mama’s
- 125 Cranberry Hwy (Rte 6A)
- Orleans, MA 02653
- (508)255-0255
- www.jomamascapecod.com
- Harrington Farm
- 178 Westminster Rd
- Princeton, MA 01541
- (978)464-5600
- www.harringtonfarm.com
- Joe Coffee & Cafe
- 170 Commercial St
- Provincetown, MA 02657
- (508)487-6656
- www.joecoffeeptown.com
- The Tucker Inn
- 12 Center St
- Provincetown, MA 02657
- (508)487-0381
- www.thetuckerinn.com
- Victor’s
- 175 Bradford St Extension
- Provincetown, MA 02657
- (508)487-1777
- www.victorsptown.com
- Rockport Fudgery
- 4 Tuna Wharf
- Rockport, MA 01966
- (978)546-2030
- www.rockportfudgery.com
- Cafe Chew
- 4 Merchants Rd
- Sandwich, MA 02563
- (508)888-7717
- www.cafechew.com
- Mocha Maya’s Coffee
- 47 Bridge St
- Shelburne Falls, MA 01370
- (413)625-6292
- www.mochamayas.com
- Ciesluk’s Market
- 55c N Main St
- South Deerfield, MA 01373
- (413)397-3574
- www.facebook.com/Ciesluksmarket/
- Mt. Holyoke College Library Cafe
- 50 College St
- South Hadley, MA 01575
- (413)538-2000
- www.lits.mtholyoke.edu
- Blue Willow
- 1426 US Route 6
- South Wellfleet, MA 02663
- (508)349-0900
- www.bluewillowfinefoods.com
- Jo Mama’s
- 845 Rte 28
- South Yarmouth, MA 02664
- (508)694-7846
- www.jomamascapecod.com
- Mayval Farm Store
- 137 Easthampton Rd
- Westhampton, MA 01027
- (413)527-6274
- www.mayvalfarm.com
- Muffins General Store
- 28 State Rd (Rte 5 & 10)
- Whately, MA 01093
- (413)397-3372
- www.facebook.com/pages/Muffins-General-Market/107624842662242
- Williamburg Market
- 3 Main St
- Williamsburg, MA 01096
- (413)268-3006
- www.thewilliamsburgmarket.com
New Hampshire
- The Village Bean
- 33 Indian Rock Rd
- Windham, NH 03087
- (603)434-2326
- www.villagebean.com
New York
- Java Joe
- 414 Eighth St
- Brooklyn, NY 11215
- (718)769-6026
- www.javajoebrooklyn.com
- Interlaken Inn Restaurant
- 15 Interlaken Ave
- Lake Placid, NY 12946
- (518)523-3180
- www.theinterlakeninn.com
- Sunflower Market
- 75 Mill Hill Rd
- Woodstock, NY 12498
- (845)679-5361
- www.sunflowernatural.com
- Otter Creek Bakery
- 14 College St
- Middlebury, VT 05753
- (802)388-3371
- www.ottercreekbakery.com