Dave’s Blend Decaf

Full-city roasted Mexican Chiapas and Sumatra Mandheling are combined with a generous portion of Italian Roasted Mexican Chiapas to create a full-bodied, intensely hearty brew with a pleasant spiciness and smoky undertones. Created by Dave from Positronic Design. Swiss Water Decaffeination Process – 99.9% caffeine-free. Tasting Notes:  Smoky, citrus, caramelized sugar

  • Certification:  Organic, Fair Trade, Kosher
  • Co-op:  Sumatra – Permata Gayo Cooperative
    Mexico – Productores de café de Motozintla (PROCAFEM)

Bulk Purchases: Grinding: $.15/lb., Packaging into 1 lb. bags: $.60/lb.
Retail Purchases: Includes grinding and packaging

From: $15.45

Please indicate how you’d like us to grind your order.

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