Cuban-Style Espresso

A full bodied and remarkably smooth single origin dark roast designed to make the perfect Cafecito – your Abuelita would be impressed!  Tasting Notes:  Syrupy, brown sugar, fig

  • Certification:  Organic, Fair Trade, Kosher
  • Co-op:  Cooperativa de Caficultores y Agricultores de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Cooagronevada Co-op)
  • Region:  Santa Marta, Magdalena
  • Process:  Fully Washed. Sun Dried.
  • Elevation:  1,200-1,800 meters

Bulk Purchases: Grinding: $.15/lb., Packaging into 1 lb. bags: $.60/lb.
Retail Purchases: Includes grinding and packaging

From: $13.50

Please indicate how you’d like us to grind your order.

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Cooperativa de Caficultores y Agricultores de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Cooagronevada Co-op), formed in 2007 to help farmers in the region market their organic coffees.


Productive Investment
The co-op focuses on environmental conservation and sustainable production practices, including training in organic fertilizers and disease control for berry borer and leaf rust. This has already created more fertile soil, with higher yields expected in the year to come.

Part of the premium fund was used to hire an agronomist to help execute a large scale project to increase efficiency. Member producers are also focusing on increasing their cupping score and closely managing each step of their production methods.