Joe Blend Classic
Created expressly for Joe Coffee & Espresso Bar in Provincetown, MA. Three of our heaviest bodied coffees are blended to create an intense, compellingly aromatic brew with plenty of attitude. The earthy richness of the Indonesian coffees is rounded out with a generous portion of French Roast Mexican Chiapas for a smooth spiciness. Tasting Notes: Floral notes, apricot, dark chocolate, spice
- Certification: Organic, Fair Trade, Kosher
- Co-op: Sumatra – Permata Gayo Cooperative
Papua New Guinea – Highlands Organic Agricultural Co-op (HOAC)
Mexico – Productores de café de Motozintla (PROCAFEM)
Bulk Purchases: Grinding: $.15/lb., Packaging into 1 lb. bags: $.60/lb.
Retail Purchases: Includes grinding and packaging
From: $13.40